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Frequently Asked Questions

We are financial services private limited company registered under the Companies Act of Kenya. We are an insurance intermediary providing convenient and comparative services for the insurance services sector to consumers in Kenya.

We are a registered Insurance intermediary under the name Imoth Insurance Brokers. We are authorized and regulated by the Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA) of Kenya. We act by the guidelines and regulations of the IRA and the laws of Kenya.

We compare the different insurance products offered by over 10 different companies at present. You don't have to go to each and every insurance company in Kenya (trust me there are many...over 40 of them!). You can compare and purchase your insurance from the convenience of your mobile or computer from any of the leading insurance companies of your choice.

We know that price is important to consumers, after all, that’s why you’re comparing. But everyone has different needs and so we’ll help you to find the right product for you, whether that’s by letting you filter search results or ensuring help is on hand to answer any questions you may have or help you along with your purchase.

We have combined our years of experience in insurance with our technology expertise in order to serve Kenyans

Imoth Insurance agency provides a range of insurance products with benefits to suit our clients' insurance needs at their on convenience.

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